Saturday, February 19, 2011

Who I am.

Everybody has gone through a hard time, some more often than others.  In my 17 years I have realised that it isn't how long or short your life is, it's what you do with the time that you have.  You can spend hours trying to make everyone else happy and yet be miserable.  Or you can do what makes you happy, and the people who you care about will see that you are, and they will be happy for you.  I find my joy in my ability to help others.  In any way that I can help I do.  It may hurt the person I am trying to hurt or myself but it is what needs to happen.  I am a rather honest person, sometimes a little too honest.  I call it like I see and I speak my mind.  Sometimes it doesn't end very well, but most of the time it does.  I have burned a few bridges with my honesty, but I have also built a couple.  Maybe in the future I will make a few more.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Change of Plans.

Don't you hate it when you have something planned for days and suddenly it can't work out.  I know I sure do, take for instance tonight I was supposed to see a friend that I haven't for a while.  We live about a half hour away from each other.  Well at the last minute she couldn't make it, it wasn't her fault but still it bugged me.  Instead I am with one of my other friend, and in a while I will get to see Ace.  I haven't seen her in a four months.  Hopefully everything will work out this time....maybe.  Wish me luck.

First blog

When you were in high school; did you ever know one of the girls that just didn't quite fit in?  The one who is kind to everyone ((unless you upset her)) kind of quiet ((unless she is upset or excited)) whom stays out of peoples business yet somehow is brought in it anyway?
Well that is me.  It isn't anybody's fault I just perfer solitude,  except when I am with my friends.  That is when we go insane.  You would be surprised at some of the things we do.  But more on that later.  This is my story, although instead of it being all printed at once and you know you can just skip to the ending, with this you can't it will be constantly changing and who knows how it will go.