Saturday, February 19, 2011

Who I am.

Everybody has gone through a hard time, some more often than others.  In my 17 years I have realised that it isn't how long or short your life is, it's what you do with the time that you have.  You can spend hours trying to make everyone else happy and yet be miserable.  Or you can do what makes you happy, and the people who you care about will see that you are, and they will be happy for you.  I find my joy in my ability to help others.  In any way that I can help I do.  It may hurt the person I am trying to hurt or myself but it is what needs to happen.  I am a rather honest person, sometimes a little too honest.  I call it like I see and I speak my mind.  Sometimes it doesn't end very well, but most of the time it does.  I have burned a few bridges with my honesty, but I have also built a couple.  Maybe in the future I will make a few more.


  1. Burn another bridge and ask Nicole what the frick princess is xD

  2. I just did....she said she didn't know.
